We know, rules can sound strict and cumbersome. But trust us, we want to ensure you have the most meaningful and seamless experience at any Confidante event. The rules exist to protect your information, guarantee mutual respect and ensure the safety of all participants. In short, your kindness and discretion are required..
Confidante Rules of Engagement:
- The first rule of Confidante is you don’t talk about Confidante. (This is a secretive supper club after all.)
- Information discussed at any Confidante event is assumed strictly confidential unless given the specific permission by the person sharing. This means not even telling your spouse, your mom, or your best friend, as you would want your privacy respected in the same manner.
- Active participation and willingness to share and give feedback is required to ensure the connectivity of our members. Sharing is infectious.
- Out of respect for other members, promptness is mandatory to attend Confidante events. A 15-minute grace period will be granted, after which the doors will be locked and no refunds will be given.
- No cell phones during meetings. Technology breaks will be given.
- Full attention should be given to whomever is speaking. Side conversations and interruptions are discouraged.
- No member should ever be humiliated, intimidated or disrespected in any way.
- Problems between Confidante members should be addressed promptly and directly within the group setting, or if necessary, the Co-Founders are available for mediation.
- No posting of proprietary Confidante materials or images from our events on social media.
- Enjoy your experience, feel liberated and have fun!
Failure to comply with the Rules of Engagement can result in termination of your Confidante membership.